Hospitalization at Ygia Polyclinic

Ygia Polyclinic in Limassol is the largest accredited private hospital in Cyprus with associate doctors of all specialties  providing quality service to patients.

Dr Armeftis is an exclusive associate doctor of Ygia Polyclinic and you can contact the hospital for 24h at 25884600.

Patients with respiratory symptoms can visit the emergency department and on-duty doctors will contact Dr Armeftis to take care of the case.

Hospitalization: InYgia Polyclinic there are beds available for hospitalization of patients with respiratory diseases as well and a fully equipped intensive care unit that can handle any incident involving  respiratory failure. All the supporting departments of the hospital such as CT department, radiology department, lab give us the opportunity to provide high quality standards to our patients..

Bronchoscopy: This is the procedure in which the pulmonologist examines the large airways, trachea and bronchi. Bronchoscopy is an invasive examination and at Ygia  Polyclinic, it is carried out with safety standards in the presence of an anesthesiologist and experienced nursing staff.

The bronchoscope is usually inserted through the nasal cavity, but it can also be done through the mouth or through tracheal tube when the patient is fully sedated.

During bronchoscopy, a thin tube (bronchoscope) is passed through your nose or mouth, down your throat and into your lungs.

Bronchoscopy is most commonly performed using a flexible bronchoscope.

Bronchoscopy can also be used to obtain samples of mucus or tissue, to remove foreign bodies or other blockages from the airways or lungs, or to provide treatment for lung problems.

  • Indications of bronchoscopy are Tumors or cancer of the bronchi
  •  Esophageal and mesothoracic tumors
  •  Abnormal chest X-rays
  • Paralysis or more general damage of the vocal cords
  • Inflammation and infections such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, or parasitic infections
  • Interstitial lung disease
  • Persistent cough or cough with haemoptysis
  • Wheezing
  • Airway Burns
  •  Biopsy of bronchial tissue , cytological examination of bronchial secretions

The therapeutic options for bronchoscopy are:

Control of bleeding in the bronchi

  • Removal of clearances, blood, mucus plugs, or neoplasms to clear the airways
  • Removal of foreign bodies, foods (such as nuts) that have been inhaled into the airways
  • Treatment with laser or brachytherapy with radiation  for endobronchial tumors or benign stenosis
  • Stent placement (this is a device used to keep the airway open)

Possible complications from bronchoscopy

The vast majority of patients have not experienced any serious complications from bronchoscopy, even reaching one per thousand. Therefore, under normal conditions, at the end of the examination the patient may feel his nose and throat irritated for about a day or his voice hoarse. Some signs of fatigue, drowsiness or cardiac arrhythmias that he may feel are a normal result of taking the sedative drug. Patients from whom a biopsy sample has been taken have a higher risk. The majority of cases that may have complications, just show a little blood on the sputum up to and during the next day. There is also a transient drop in oxygen lasting a few hours which is restored by the administration of oxygen.