It is a complete examination of the functional parameters of the respiratory system, in which static volumes are measured i.e. lung volumes cannot be measured by spirometry, as not all the volume of air that we have in our lung is exhaled, given that the so-called residual volume RV always remains..
We get useful information of the functional status of respiratory diseases, such as interstitial diseases (sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension) to monitor obstructive diseases and investigate shortness of breath in cases, with normal spirometry.
What is diffusion (diffusion capacity)?
Diffusion is a very sensitive method by which we measure how well your lungs exchange gases, i.e. we find out if there is difficulty in the uptake of oxygen in tissues and in the elimination of carbon dioxide. This can occur in diseases, pulmonary fibrosis and COPD .
What are the static lung volumes?
Lung volumes are also known as respiratory volumes. It refers to the volume of gas in the lungs at a given time during the respiratory cycle. Lung capacities are derived from a summation of different lung volumes. The average total lung capacity of an adult human male is about 6 litres of air. Lung volumes measurement is an integral part of the pulmonary function test. These volumes tend to vary, depending on the depth of respiration, ethnicity, gender, age, body composition and in certain respiratory diseases. A number of the lung volumes can be measured by Spirometry- Tidal volume, Inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume. However, measurement of Residual volume, Functional residual capacity, and Total lung capacity is through body plethysmography, nitrogen washout and helium dilution technique. The lung volumes are important parameters for the assessment of restrictive diseases like pulmonary fibrosis and obstructive diseases like COPD.
What are Maximum Inhaled and Exhalation Pressures?
With this method, we measure how hard you can blow and inhale, i.e. we measure the strength of your thoracic muscles, thus identifying a possible problem in your chest muscles or diaphragm. Investigation or evaluation for neuromuscular diseases is the measurement of the strength of respiratory muscles.